Geography of the states most/least likely for vehicle wrecks with animals

The following map identifies the states where one is most and least likely to have a wreck with an animal, not just a deer as depicted in a 2011 post on this blog site. Animals could include bear, bison, cougar (mountain lion/panther), deer, dogs, elk, and a variety of other animals. The data was collected by State Farm Insurance from mid-2022 thru mid-2023.

The top 5 animals as the source of the wreck were per State Farm:

  1. Deer (1,288,714)
  2. Unidentified animals (207,373)
  3. Rodents (94,805)
  4. Dogs (55,005)
  5. Raccoons (52,054)
Source: State Farm

Based on the map provided above, the ten states most likely to have a collision with an animal are:

  1. West Virginia = 1 in 38
  2. Montana = 1 in 53
  3. Pennsylvania = 1 in 59
  4. Michigan = 1 in 60
  5. Wisconsin = 1 in 60
  6. Iowa = 1 in 63
  7. Mississippi = 1 in 64
  8. South Dakota = 1 in 69
  9. Virginia = 1 in 78
  10. Missouri = 1 in 80

And the ten states least likely to have a collision with an animal are:

  1. District of Columbia = 1 in 977
  2. Nevada = 1 in 770
  3. Hawaii = 1 in 710
  4. Alaska = 1 in 522
  5. Arizona = 1 in 508
  6. Florida = 1 in 487
  7. California = 1 in 388
  8. Washington = 1 in 286
  9. Connecticut = 1 in 267
  10. New Mexico = 1 in 262

Aside from the various safety precautions that drivers can and should take while operating a motor vehicle, the states are also trying to reduce the likelihood of such collisions by installing an animal crossing over and/or under highways where such accidents tend to be more prevalent. Here in New Mexico, a segment of Interstate 40 just east of Albuquerque was upgraded recently to reduce the possibility of bears and other animals from accessing the highway while also providing a warning to drivers if they do.

This entry was posted in Animals, Cars, education, Environment, geography, health, highways, history, humanity, infrastructure, land use, Maps, natural history, nature, spatial design, States, Statistics, traffic, transportation, Travel, Wildlife and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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