Going “nuts” over peanut roundabouts!

Just when you thought you’ve heard everything, along comes the term “peanutabout.” Peanutabouts are roundabouts designed for oddly shaped intersections. Images within this post show completed ones in Carmel, Indiana (at least six); Kingston Township, Ohio; New Haven, Connecticut; Worcester, Massachusetts; and Lake Stevens, Washington; with others currently under construction in Beech Grove and Elkhart County, Indiana.

Peanutabout now under construction in Beech Grove – Source: cincinnati.com

Given that a fair number of busy intersections across the country converge at non-perpendicular angles, it is likely drivers will encounter more peanutabouts in the future.  Peanutabouts also will be advantageous in tight locations where a full circle takes up too much space, such at the Beech Grove example above or the series of peanutabouts along Keystone Parkway when the highway was converted to limited access in 2007 (see images below).

My, Mr. Peanut would be proud. Peace!


Other known peanutabouts include:

Six interchanges along Keystone Parkway in Carmel, Indiana (aerial maps via maps.google.com)

Keystone Pkwy & 116th St.
Keystone Pkwy & 106th St.
Keystone Pkwy & 126th St.
Keystone Pkwy & Carmel Dr.
Keystone Pkwy & E. Main St.
Keystone Pkwy & Smoky Row
Peanutabout in New Haven CT (2023) – Source: nhregister.com
Peanutabout in Lake Stevens, WA – Source: reddit.com
Peanutabout in Kelley Square/Worcester, MA (2021) – Source: mass.streetblog.org

Peanutabouts have been proposed in the following cities:

Fairfield, Connecticut

Grass Valley, California

Lutz (Metro Tampa), Florida

Manchester, New Hampshire

Marysville (Metro Columbus), Ohio

New Kent County (Metro Richmond), Virginia – temporary one installed

Raleigh, North Carolina

This entry was posted in Active transportation, adaptive reuse, Biking, Cars, cities, engineering, geography, highways, history, infrastructure, land use, Maps, new urbanism, pictures, placemaking, planning, product design, spatial design, sprawl, Statistics, topography, transportation, Travel, urban design, urban planning, walking and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Going “nuts” over peanut roundabouts!

  1. Bill Robertson says:

    As my dad used to say… “We’re becoming a society of idiots” and his just proves his point!


  2. Pingback: Working list: Peanut roundabouts worldwide | Panethos

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