Awesome Acadia turns 100

A view from atop Cadillac Mountain

I have had the distinct privilege of visiting 72+ of our national parks, historic sites, battlefields, lakeshores, memorials, seashores, trails, and similar units of the National Park Service. Similarly, I have had the pleasure of visiting a variety national parks and historic sites in Canada, the United Kingdom, and Ireland. That being said, I do not think there is a single location I have visited in all these travels that matches the spectacular beauty and scenic variety of Acadia National Park in Maine.


Our seaside picnic partner at Thunder Hole

This year, 2016, is the 100th birthday of Acadia National Park and for the entire National Park System. Having visited Acadia for the first time last week, it was the perfect national park to see during this centennial celebration. One can find mountains, rocky shorelines, beaches, islands, trails, woodlands, historic sites, fields, lakes, ponds, and a plethora of other interesting landscapes in Acadia – so much so that it truly encompasses all of he best aspects that our National Park System has to offer.


Eagle Lake

Please consider visiting Acadia or any other unit of the National Park Service during their centennial year and also consider providing added financial support to these lovely and important gems.

Beauty of Bubble Pond

Lastly, there are occasional calls by some in political circles/Congress to privatize and/or eliminate the National Park System . I cannot think of a stupider idea. If you hear or see these, please speak up on behalf of our national treasures. Thank you!
The Rockefeller bridges and carriage trails

The Rockefeller bridges and carriage trails

Bar Harbor from atop Cadillac Mountain

Bar Harbor  and Frenchman Bay from atop Cadillac Mountain

This entry was posted in Advocacy, bridges, civics, culture, environment, fun, geography, Geology, government, hiking, historic preservation, history, land use, nature, peace, placemaking, planning, recreation, spatial design, sustainability, topography, tourism, trails, Travel, walking, Wildlife and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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