Geography of film and TV production hubs in the USA/Canada

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The list below identifies the top movie and television production locations in the United States and Canada based on the number of filming sound stages in the market. The numbers provided include those sound stages that are currently in operation, under construction, expanding, or are planned in the near future. As a result, the numbers provided may fluctuate when the list is updated periodically based on new sound stage development projects being announced, approved, delayed, and/or canceled. The numbers shown for each market do not include flex space, mill areas, insert stages, sound stages used for sound/audio recordings, nor sound stages with a footprint of less than 2000 square feet.

Aerial image of Warner Bros. Studios in Burbank, CA – Source:

Clearly, Los Angeles/Southern California remains the preeminent film and television production center with nearly four times as many sound stages as its nearest competitor. In the meantime, Vancouver, Atlanta, Toronto, Albuquerque, Austin, and New Orleans have grown rapidly to become important markets for film and television production in the United States and Canada. Orlando, other the other hand has seen a reduction in its position since Disney converted the sound stages at its Hollywood Studios into theme park uses.


Other cities who may soon join this list based on information found while researching this post include Nashville, Victoria/Vancouver Island, and Boston. As noted above, the list will be updated as necessary to reflect ongoing changes and trends. As always, any corrections, suggestions, or additions to this list would be most appreciated. Peace!


City/Region Name = Number of sound stages that are currently in operation, under construction, expanding, or are planned in the near future.

  1. Los Angeles, California = 434 sound stages

2. New York City, New York-New Jersey = 118 sound stages

3. Vancouver, British Columbia = 98 sound stages

4. Atlanta/Athens, Georgia = 82 sound stages

5. Toronto/Hamilton, Ontario = 58 sound stages

6. Chicago, Illinois = 52 sound stages

7. Albuquerque/Santa Fe, New Mexico = 41 sound stages (4 added on 2/16/23)

8. Austin/San Marcos, Texas = 36 sound stages

9. New Orleans, Louisiana = 27 sound stages

10. Montreal, Quebec = 24 sound stages

11-12. Miami and San Francisco Bay Area = 16 sound stages each

13. Orlando, Florida = 14 sound stages

14-16. Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Las Vegas, Nevada; and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania = 11 sound stages each



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